Rank Designation and Requirements


   WHITE          8TH KYU         0-3 MO         1-2          0
   YELLOW         7TH KYU         3-4 MO         2-4          0
   BLUE           6TH KYU         4-6 MO         4-6          0
   GREEN          5TH KYU         6-8 MO         5-7         0-1
   PURPLE         4TH KYU         10-12 MO       7-8          1
   BROWN          3RD KYU         14-16 MO       9-10         2
   BROWN + 1 TIP  2ND KYU         18-24 MO       11-12        2
   BROWN + 2 TIPS 1ST KYU         24-30 MO       13-14        3


" The first five grades of black belt represent skill and physical application of the art. The last five grades represents outstanding accomplishments and devotion to the art and 'All American Karate Do Union'. "

   1ST BLACK            SHO-DAN        3 1/2-4YR      15-20       3
   2ND BLACK            NI-DAN         6-8 YR         15-20       3+
   3RD BLACK            SAN-DAN        9-10 YR        15-20+      3+
   4TH BLACK            YON-DAN        11-14 YR       15-20+      3+
   5TH BLACK            GO-DAN         16-18 YR       15-20+      3+
   6TH BLACK/RED-WHITE  ROKYU-DAN      22-24 YR       15-20+      3+
   7TH BLACK/RED-WHITE  SHI-DAN        29-30 YR       15-20+      3+
   8TH BLACK/RED-WHITE  HACHI-DAN      30-33 YR       15-20+      3+
   9TH BLACK/OR RED     KU-DAN         35-40 YR       15-20+      3+
   10TH BLACK/OR RED    JU-DAN         45-50 YR       15-20+      3+

Terminology and explanation requirements for belt tests:

White To Yellow	
10 yrs. old or under
Count from 1 to 10 in Japanese
Explain any or all of the 8 Basic Movements;
A.	Head Block
B.	Chest Block
C.	Leg Block
D.	Cat Foot Stance
E.	Side Squat Stance
F.	Front Stance or Forward Leg Block Stance
G.	Front Kick
H.	Side Kick
11 yrs. old and up
Count from 1 to 10 in Japanese
Explain any or all of the 8 Basic Movements;
A.	Head Block
B.	Chest Block
C.	Leg Block
D.	Cat Foot Stance
E.	Side Squat Stance
F.	Front Stance or Forward Leg Block Stance
G.	Front Kick
H.	Side Kick
Any of the words from Technique to Breath and Mind Power.
Yellow To Blue
No matter what age
Count 1 to 10
Explain the 8 Basic Movements
All words from Technique to Breath and Mind Power
Blue To Green
Count 1 to 30
Explain the 8 Basic Movements
All words from Technique to Breath and Mind Power
Green To Purple
Count 1 to 30
Explain the 8 Basics Movements
All of Terminology
Karate Creed
Purple To Brown
Count 1 to 101
Explain the 8 Basic Movements
All of Terminology
Karate Creed
Brown To 1st and 2nd Tip
Count 1 to 101
Explain the 8 Basic Movements
All of Terminology
Karate Creed
Ju-Jitsu Requirements

Seiei Ju-Jitsu Yellow Belt You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan JuJitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Mae Mawari Ukemi				Rt.&Lt. Shoulder Rolls
Ushiro Ukemi					Back Breakfall
Yoko Ukemi					Rt.&Lt. Side Breakfall
Ude Osae (Ikkyo)				Inside Wrist Lock, Arm Bar
Kote Mawashi (Nikkyo)				Wrist Pinch, Elbow Bent
Kote Hineri (Sankyo)				Wrist Twisted In, Palm to Floor
Kote Gaeshi					Outside Wrist Lock
Seoi Nage (Morote)				Shoulder Throw, Sleeve & Lapel
Ippon Seoi Nage				Shoulder Throw, One Arm
Harai Goshi					Hip Sweep
Uchi Mata					Inner Thigh Reaping Throw
O Goshi					Major Hip Throw
Osoto Gari					Major Outer Reap
Juji Gatame					Arm Bar Between Legs
Tai Otoshi					Body Drop, Turning Throw
Kesa Gatame					Scarf Hold
Randori Fighting Against One Opponent.
Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Sei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Blue Belt You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Kesa Gatame					Scarf Hold
Kata Shiho Gatame				Choking Shoulder Hold
Yoko Shiho Gatame				Side Four Quarters Hold
Kami Shiho Gatame				Upper Four Quarters Hold
Ushiro Kesa Gatame				Reverse Scarf Hold
Tate shiho Gatame				Upright Four Quarters (Grapevine)
These Gatame’s should be done in a clockwise direction and then 
reversed to a counter clockwise direction....
Mae Ukemi					Front Breakfall
Ouchi Gari					Major Inner Sweep
Kouchi Gari					Minor Inner Sweep
Morote Gari					Two Handed Reap
Osoto Osae					Outside Pressure Technique
Kani Basami					Scissors Throw
Shiho Nage					Four Corners Throw
Randori Fighting Against One Opponent. Plus the Yellow Belt Requirements.
Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Green Belt You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Shiho Nage					Four Corner Throw
Kosoto Gari					Minor Outer Sweep
Ushiro Goshi					Back Hip Throw
Osoto Guruma					Large Outer Wheel Throw
Tani Otoshi					Valley Drop Throw
Yoko Guruma					Side Wheel Throw
Sukui Nage					Scooping or Shovel Throw
Tomoe Nage					Stomach Throw
Nami Juji Jime					Normal Cross Choke
Okuri Eri Jime					Sliding Collar Choke
Kata Ha Jime					Single Arm Trap Choke
Hadaka Jime					Naked Choke
Randori Fighting Against One Opponent. Plus All Previous Belt Test Requirements.
Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Purple Belt You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Suki Nage					Shuffle Throw
Uki Otoshi					Floating Drop Throw
Uki Waza					Floating Sacrifice Throw
Ura Nage					Sacrifice Back Throw 
Yoko Gake					Sacrifice Side Body Drop
Three (3), Defense Techniques of your choosing, against Three (3), Separate attacks taken from the Duo Ju-Jitsu Kata Sequences.

Randori Fighting Against One Opponent. Plus All Previous Belt Test Requirements.

Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Brown Belt You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Uki Goshi					Floating Hip Throw
Sumi Gaeshi					Corner Throw
Kata Guruma					Shoulder Wheel
Hani Goshi					Hip Spring Throw
Defense Against One (1) Technique in each Series of the Duo Ju-Jitsu
 Kata, consisting of Three (3), or more moves.
Randori Fighting Against Two (2), Opponents, Simultaneously
Attacking.  Plus All  Previous Belt Test Requirements.
Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be
demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Brown Belt 1st Tip You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Koshi Nage					Hip Throw
Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi				Foot Lift- Pull Throw
Okura Ashi Harai				Two Foot Sweep
Sode Guruma Jime				Sleeve Wheel Choke
Ryote Jime					Two Hand Choke
Randori Fighting Against Three (3) Opponents, Simultaneously Attacking.
Plus All Previous Belt Test Requirements.
Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be 
demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Brown Belt 2nd Tip You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.
Tsurikomi Goshi				Lift Pull Hip Throw
Ura Goshi					Reverse Hip Throw
Tsukkomi Jime					Thrust Choke
Sankaku Jime					Triangular Choke
Defense Against Two (2) Techniques in each Series of the Duo Ju-Jitsu 
Kata, consisting of at least Three (3) moves.
Randori Fighting Against Four (4) Opponents, Simultaneously Attacking 
From Opposite Directions.
Plus All Previous Belt Test Requirements.
Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be 
demonstrated to their satisfaction.

Ko Sutemi Seiei Kan Seiei Ju-Jitsu Black Belt Shodan You are required to purchase the Seiei Kan Ju-Jitsu books at your first opportunity. Know and follow the guidelines in these texts. You will be asked to perform some but not all of the terms, throws, and locks from the text that corresponds with the rank you are working to achieve.

Defense Against Two (2) Techniques in each Series of the Duo Ju-Jitsu Kata, consisting of No Less than Four (4) moves, At Full Speed.

Explain and Demonstrate Five (5) Self Defense Techniques of your own design. The explanation should tell what attack point you are aiming for, what type of reaction you are expecting, and the final outcome of your Technique.

Randori Fighting Against Four (4) or More Opponents, Simultaneously Attacking From Several Different Directions.

Plus All Previous Belt Test Requirements.

Instructors may also choose any Technique from the text to be demonstrated to their satisfaction.

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